While browsing we always came across some website or page on which can be useful to us in near future. In order to minimize the time of searching it again in future, we save it in ‘Favorites’ from where it can easily accessible without wasting much time. The AOL Desktop Gold tech Support Number also allows you to save a dozen of the important website in their Favorites. So what are you waiting for? Just grab the opportunity to install AOL Desktop Gold instantly and manage your Favorite easily without doing hard work. AOL Desktop Gold has gain popularity because of its: automatic updates features advanced technology. customized text and font Storing the contacts and Favorites in the server. Talking about Favorites, in AOL Gold you have the access to Save your Favorite and store them in the hard disk Transfer favorite from one username to another You can append or replace your Favorite to another id. How to Retrieve AOL Gold Favorite: For Retrieving the Favori...